Our team of designers & developers have been super busy getting the Partbnb platform ready for our first property to be available for pre-orders opening in January. I thought this was a great time to share some images and thoughts on how that process is going.
Overall, our vision is to create a vibrant, colorful site that is logical and straight forward to use
We wanted to list out our available properties with as much detail as possible, so that our investors could really dig in to all of the details to make an evaluation. In the below screen you can view all of the available properties (example properties only) and click through to view the full details, or Buy a part of that property.
Clicking on view details will take you to the full info about that particular property, including all of the pictures, location details, financial details, videos etc.
We will be providing investors with a fully featured logged in area so that you can manage your property part investments, see how they are performing, buy / sell and deposit / withdraw funds from the platform.
I expect to post another update on our development towards the end of December, and at that time we should be fairly close to inviting some beta users. Please feel free to reach out to us on Facebook or Twitter if you would like to join our beta program.